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Press, Culture & Public Diplomacy

The Department is responsible for the embassy’s press relations and for sharing a variety of information about Denmark on various media platforms, including social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linked-In). The promotion of Danish culture for the American public is also an essential part of the Department’s Public Diplomacy and cultural engagements. A variety of cultural events with Danish and Nordic artists are organized annually by the Department (in collaboration with local cultural stakeholders and institutions) and launched across the US. Activities include visual and performing arts, music, literature, museums, historical and cultural heritage, film, architecture and design. Furthermore, the Department advises both Danish and US artists, media and cultural organizations and provides guidance on individual projects.


Frederikke Møller Kristiansen
Team Lead, Culture & Public Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy Advisor
(202) 957-3047

Sofie Amalie Rasmussen
Public Diplomacy Advisor
(202) 999-5367

Saleem Anwar Jahangir
SoMe & Public Diplomacy Advisor
(202) 445-5572