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Closing Days

Below are the closing days in 2024.

In 2025, the Embassy of Denmark in Washington, DC will be closed on the following days:

January 1st: Martin Luther King Day

January 20th: Martin Luther King Day

February 17th: President’s Day

April 18th: Good Friday

April 21st: Easter Monday

May 26th: Memorial Day

June 19th: Juneteenth 

July 4th: Independence Day 

September 1st: Labor Day

October 13th: Columbus Day

November 11th: Veterans Day

November 27th: Thanksgiving Day

November 28th: Black Friday

December 24th: Christmas Eve

December 25th-31st: Closed between Christmas and New Year


In 2025, the Consulate General in New York will be closed on the following days:

January 1: New Year's Day

January 20: Martin Luther King Day

April 18: Good Friday

May 26: Memorial Day

July 4: Independence Day

September 1: Labor Day

November 27: Thanksgiving Day

December 24-31: Closed between Christmas and New Year